STRIKER teaches Siddarth how to strike  

Siddharth is an actor who uses wrong finger to play carom from childhood; only after he started practice did he realize that how all experts' play.

Like all other games even carom has its own set of rules to follow. While preparing for STRIKER, Siddharth, who had to practice for hours to learn carom and become an expert. Apparently Siddharth was facing a problem while preparing for the role and the problem was that he used to hit the striker with the wrong finger.

Since he was good at the game, Chandan Arora wanted his each and every move to be accurate and so he decided to get Siddharth trained by a professional before they could start shooting for his carom sequences. To their surprise they came to know that 90% of the carom experts, including the one who was summoned in to train Siddharth actually played with the wrong finger. After undermining this fact there was no stopping to Siddharth and he ended up giving some exceptionally professional shots.

Says Siddharth, "Since childhood I used to play carom with the wrong finger but never bothered to correct it since the wrong finger always helped me play well, unfortunately while shooting for STRIKER, the wrong finger habit cropped up as one of the major concerns and Chandan brought in a carom expert to train me. When I sat down to play with him did I realize that most of the players play with the wrong finger... This helped me cut down on one of my biggest worries."

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