Amitabh Bachchan in Malayalam film?
Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan will play a meaty role in Malayalam superstar Mohanlal's forthcoming Kandahar (Malayalam), which revolves around a plane hijacking, army officer-turned-director Major Ravi revealed on Sunday in Kochi. If this happens, it would be the first time Amitabh Bachchan will appear in a Malayalam flick. Major Ravi, who made three war films (Keertichakra, Mission 90 Days and Kurukshetra) with Mohanlal, said he is just trying to imagine how the two greats would come in one single frame. Amitabh will be seen as the father of a passenger on the ill-fated plane that has been hijacked and Mohanlal will play a commando. The film is inspired by the hijacking of Indian Airlines flight IC-814 in 1999. It was hijacked by five Pakistani militants while on its way from Kathmandu to New Delhi on Christmas eve and was forced to land in three different airports A(mritsar, Lahore, and Dubai) before spending a week on the tarmac in Kandahar with 186 hostages on board. Kandahar will be shot in Delhi, Nepal and Kerala. VPOST : 05 |