Noted Tamil-Malayalam actor Bala's new film titled Sivapuram, directed by debutant Unni Pranav and produced by Ansal and M. Nazar under the banner of United Films, is progressing at brisk pace at Thodupuzha. Muktha is the heroine.Sivapuram is a family entertainer revolving around a widower named Sivan (Bala), who comes to Sivapuram village with his little daughter in search of a job. Sivan admits his daughter in a nursery, where he meets a teacher (Muktha). Sivan finds some peculiar resemblance between his late wife and teacher and wishes to marry her. From this point, the story takes a different turn.The film is scripted by K.V. Anil. Cinematography is by Lal Kannan. Music is by Shan; lyrics are by Anil Panachooran, Jofi Tharakan and Balachandran. Also in the cast are Biju Menon, Salim Kumar, Suraj Venjaramoodu, Indrans, Sreejith Ravi, Manraj, Divya, Thanima, Kalpana, Usha, Kulapulli Leela and others.


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