Jeeva is Ashwin
We all know Jeeva is playing a photo journalist in ‘Ko’, a movie directed by K V Anand and to be released by Udhayanidhi Stalin’s Red Giant Movies. Now we have more details on the role.“The name of Jeeva’s character is Ashwin. He is stylish, intelligent. He works for a leading media house and has a nose for news. This is how Anand shaped up Jeeva’s role,” say sources.“Karthika plays a journalist who works for the same publication where Jeeva too is working. How the two unearth shady activities of a wicked politician is the story of Ko,” they add.While Ajmal and Piya Bajpai playing important characters, ‘Ko’, which has music by Harris Jayaraj, is ready for release. Anand is optimistic that ‘Ko’ will repeat the magic of ‘Kana Kanden’ and ‘Ayan’, his earlier ventures.